DIPSTER 2_0 During this project, an online learning platform is being developed where educational objectives related to digital competencies can be addressed. brand Y According to Eurostat, in the EU-28, there were 4.4 million students in 2017 studying business, administration, or law. The job market for graduates with this profile is dynamic, with voluminous expectations from employers. LISSEWEGE CIRCULAIR The city of Bruges owns a diverse and rich heritage, comprising more than 500 buildings, making it one of the largest property owners in Bruges and its surrounding areas. The city aims to be a pioneer in new developments. Future Flemish Pig The overall goal of the ICON project is to acquire knowledge about current challenges in pig production and processing chains in Flanders and enhance collaboration throughout the chain. BC4P The objective of the research is to develop an innovative blockchain technology for a secure energy market utilizing renewable energy. Additionally, the aim is to expand market opportunities for blockchain and energy system transformation for SME's in the Euregio. Logipro The logistics sector requires highly qualified profiles. These profiles do not yet exist, which means companies have to train new employees first, consuming a lot of time and money. LDE DIGIHUB Many Flemish SMEs still have substantial steps to take in the digitalization process. At the same time, we observe that numerous organizations offer support in this digitalization process at various stages of the transformation path. Holy Family Uganda is a focal country in Howest's north-south initiatives, expanding outreach in study areas and deepening sustainable partnerships. STEAMhive II Within STEAMhive II, Howest provides support to organizations that organize extracurricular STEM activities through Mind-and-Makerspace (MAM) and Industrial Design Center (IDC). The project team aims to inspire and facilitate through various activities. DFAM In the design.nexus research group at Ghent University, a methodology was developed during a doctoral study to simplify and make the manual assembly process more intuitive, even during the product development stage. Pagination First page Previous page … 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … Next page Last page Filter Expertisedomein Tech & IT (61) Onderwijs (33) Gezondheid & Zorg (25) Productontwerp, Digital Design & Arts (22) Sport, Toerisme & Recreatie (20) Architectuur, Energie & Bouw (16) Mens & Samenleving (14) Media & Communicatie (10) Business & Ondernemen (4) Kernwoorden ar/vr/xr (24) ai (21) energie (10) blockchain (7) digital applications (6) 5g (5) social creativity (4) didactiek (4) co-creatie (3) stem (3) game technology (3) ux - user experience (2) ui - user interfaces (2) mixed reality (2) coaching (1) motivatie (1) blended learning (1) simulatie onderwijs (1) digital twin (1) Thema's digitale tools (19) onderwijs en vorming (17) cyber security (15) preventieve gezondheid (11) digital health (11) sociale interventies met impact (9) didactische innovatie (9) digital skills & mediawijsheid (8) stem/steam (8) gezonde omgeving (8) industrie 4.0 (7) educatieve technologie (7) vital cities (6) digitaal ondernemen en logistiek (6) quality of life (6) product design (6) game ontwikkeling en technologie (5) innovatieve leeromgevingen (5) big data and analytics (5) welzijn in het onderwijs (5) marketing & communicatie (4) sport & coaching (4) digital storytelling and influencing (4) metaverse (4) palliatieve zorg (3) circulaire economie (2) ondernemerschap (2) gezondheidsbevordering (1) slaaphygiëne (1) healthy aging (1) Zoeken op tekst