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Research projects

No-code (r)evolutie

Developing custom software is a costly and time-consuming process. Many organizations resort to using MS Office or the Google Suite, but the world of no-code offers far more possibilities than standard office applications.                                                          

NewZ Lab

Media outlets in Flanders are facing challenges in capturing the interest of Gen Z in news. They seem to be losing connection with young audiences. NewZ Lab is exploring possibilities to engage this demographic. It focuses on the current media consumption habits of young people.

Coping with crisis

This project aims to introduce 'Oral Literature for Development' (OL4D) as a new paradigm, based on the belief that culture and creativity are central to the development of all people.                                                                                                



Generative AI is currently experiencing a significant surge. AI enthusiasts see endless opportunities, while doomsayers predict the downfall of creative professions and disruption in education. This research focuses on the role of AI applications in the creative sector.          

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.                                                                                   


The technological revolution is progressing so rapidly that we witness new applications every day. Two key innovations transforming the world around us are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                              


The DiGaMe project aims to provide tailored instructions within mathematics education, customized to meet the individual needs of each student, while simultaneously increasing engagement and motivation.                                                                              


For the manufacturing sector in the plastics industry, bridging the gap between prototypes and production is a challenge. Howest aims to provide guidance to companies in building end-product-oriented prototypes, enabling them to make better design decisions.                      


Creativ'Up aims to support cross-border innovation initiatives in the cultural and creative sector through inspiration, networking, enhancement of entrepreneurial skills, and innovation/change coaching.                                                                              


How does listening to music affect brain development? The KidBeats project considers music as a crucial factor in children's development, although technology isn't fully prepared to bridge the gap between musicians and children.