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Research projects


Quindo is a hub where young people in Kortrijk are provided with the tools to learn and refine cross-media skills. It's a place where, under guidance, they can produce and present content on an online platform, with streaming radio at its core.                                    


How does listening to music affect brain development? The KidBeats project considers music as a crucial factor in children's development, although technology isn't fully prepared to bridge the gap between musicians and children.                                                    


From conversations with partners in the construction sector, it became evident that there is untapped potential for integrating STEM into the construction industry.                                                                                                                    


A group of young people aged 14 and above will collaborate on spotlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through an artistic-technological intervention in their city/town. A program will be established in collaboration with local youth organizations.                   


1in 3 people lacks sufficient sleep. Sleep is crucial for our mental and physical functioning in both the short and long term. Through this Practice-Oriented Research (PWO) project, we are developing a prevention program emphasizing the importance of sleep and good sleep hygiene.


Flexicap aims to unlock collective insights regarding the implementation of the digital meter. In doing so, it aims to create contemporary solutions for consumers to better manage their energy bills.                                                                                 


With Rethink Energy 4 Food, the project consortium aims to accelerate the energy transition in the Flemish food industry. New technology solutions are being developed at foodcompanies to contribute to the Flemish 2030 goals.                                                        

Resilient VEG-i-TEC

This project investigates how, using new fixed and mobile infrastructure, advanced smart energy and water management can lead to water, electricity and heat optimizations at agri-food companies.                                                                                      

Holy Family

Uganda is a focal country in Howest's north-south initiatives, expanding outreach in study areas and deepening sustainable partnerships.                                                                                                                                                

AI Pathfinder

The overall aim of the AI-PathFinder project is to investigate how Flemish food companies should be supported in developing their AI strategies, thereby accelerating the concrete adoption of AI.