Welcome to our internship marketplace. Howest has been trying for many years to reduce the gap between IT training and the professional field. Following our annual tradition, we are again organizing our internship market, which will take place on September 14, 2023. Participating bachelor study programmes Applied Computer Science Applied Computer Science students are trained into functionally-oriented, creative and versatile computer scientists. During the study programme, they specialize as solution engineers with a specific focus. The AI Business Professional advises, integrates and develops innovative data-driven solutions. The Cyber Security Professional organizes, monitors and implements the security of IT systems and detects cybercrime. The ICT & Blockchain Consultant installs and configures existing IT solutions and integrates the same within the existing environment. The Software Engineer designs adaptive, evolutionary software systems. More information MCT (Multimedia & Creative Technologies) MCT is an IT bachelor's degree with a unique educational concept. Students learn the full chain of an IoT application from user interface to artificial intelligence and augmented reality. After having acquired a solid base in both coding, data analysis, UI design and IoT communication technology, MCT students choose one of the specialization pathways in the 4th semester: AI Engineer, Web App Developer, Smart Tech & AI Creator or IoT Infrastructure Engineer. During each academic year, MCT students are challenged to exploit the acquired competences in different projects. In this way, MCT students learn to transform technical knowledge into a working product, teamwork, project management and CI/CD in "real world" circumstances. Moreover, as early as the second year, they are introduced to the work field. More information Participating associate degree study programmes Digital Design: Web Development & Design (WDD) WDD students are trained as Digital Designers: Web Development & Design. They gain knowledge and skills to conceive, develop and customize front-end websites for their target audience. Photoshop; Illustrator, XD, HTML, CSS and Javascript are their pieces-of-cake. Setting up a website technically, taking care of the visual content, editing social videos, user testing, managing the media and texts of websites online,... are all no problem for them. More information System and Network Administration System and Network Administration students ensure the continuity of the IT infrastructure through solution and result-oriented work. They install, configure and secure operating and computer systems; automate tasks by means of scripting and keep system documentation. Configuring, maintaining and troubleshooting network infrastructure is no problem for them. In addition, the study program strongly focuses on interpersonal skills, project-based and customer-oriented work. The training is strongly practice-oriented, which guarantees immediate employability. More information Computer Programming Programming students develop and integrate innovative desktop, web and mobile applications. They have acquired a deep understanding of specific programming technologies and methodologies. Practicality is central to the study programme: the students have a strong technical profile with immediate employability. More information Further trainings Lifelong learning is a must for IT professionals. The Howest teams of the Applied Computer Science and Multimedia & Creative Technology study programmes closely follow the evolutions in order to provide you with an optimal offer. As a professional, you need flexibility, and this is central to the design of our study programmes. Discover our wide range of further trainings! AI For Healthcare (semester) Contact Person: johan.de.gelas [at] howest.be (Johan De Gelas) AI@home (1 year) Contact Person: johan.de.gelas [at] howest.be (Johan De Gelas) AI@home Pro (follow-up course AI@home, 1 year) Contact Person: Johan.de.gelas [at] howest.be (Johan De Gelas) Creative Technologies & AI (1 jaar, English language) Contact Person: johan.de.gelas [at] howest.be (Johan De Gelas) Cyber Security Professional (distance learning) Contact Person: gene.vangampelaere [at] howest.be (Gene Vangampelaere) Deploying AI@home (weekend and evening classes) Contact Person: johan.de.gelas [at] howest.be (Johan De Gelas) Microdegree Blockchain Developer and Architect (distance learning) Contact Person: gene.vangampelaere [at] howest.be (Gene Vangampelaere) Postgraduaat Advanced Cyber Security (English language, starting Sep. 2021) Contact Person: gene.vangampelaere [at] howest.be (Gene Vangampelaere) Postgraduaat Applied Artificial Intelligence (distance learning) Contact Person: gene.vangampelaere [at] howest.be (Gene Vangampelaere) Postgraduaat Data Protection Officer Contact Person: gene.vangampelaere [at] howest.be (Gene Vangampelaere) Postgraduaat digitale transformatie in de maakindustrie (1 year) Contact Person: kurt.callewaert [at] howest.be (kurt[dot]callewaert[at]howest[dot]be) Postgraduaat Industrial Security (from Sep.2021) Contact Person: gene.vangampelaere [at] howest.be (Gene Vangampelaere) Practical information The detailed program will be announced soon. Price: €121 (VAT included) Questions about the internship market? Contact us at stage [at] howest.be (stage[at]howest[dot]be) Cancellation Policy: For cancellation more than 10 days before the event, no fee is due. For cancellation between 10 and 5 days before the event, an administrative fee of 50% of the registration fee will be charged. In case of cancellation on the 5th day or less than 5 days before the event and on the day of the event itself, the full registration fee will be charged. Frequently Asked Questions Wat na de stagemarkt? Beide opties zijn goed: Student neemt initiatief en contacteert het stagebedrijf voor een vervolggesprek. Ik moedig in die zin ook studenten hiervoor aan. Meestal gaat de student dan nog even ter plaatse en wordt de stage verder besproken. Een stagebedrijf mag natuurlijk ook zelf initiatief nemen en één of meerdere studenten contacteren voor een tweede gesprek. Het kandidaat stagebedrijf kan één of meerdere stageprojecten (voor meerdere opleidingen) registreren via de stagetool van Howest (eventueel met vermelding van de voorkeurstudent) Raadpleeg eventueel de uitgebreide handleiding. Wat als je meerdere studenten gezien hebt die voldoen aan je verwachtingen? Om elk stagebedrijf de kans te bieden op een geschikte student, streven we naar maximaal twee stagestudenten per stagebedrijf. In overleg kunnen we uitzonderingen maken voor grote organisaties of bedrijven. Wanneer begint de stage? Hoe lang duurt de stage? Een bachelorstudent kan in dit academiejaar op twee momenten stage lopen telkens voor 15 weken: In de reguliere stageperiode (stageperiode lente): eind februari 2024 t.e.m. half juni 2024 In het eerste semester (stageperiode herfst): half september 2023 t.e.m. half januari 2024 Een graduaatsstudent loopt gedurende 12 weken stage gedurende het lentesemester (februari – juni) Bekijk specifieke periodes per opleiding Wat is het verschil tussen een bachelor- en een graduaatsstudent? Een bacheloropleiding bereidt je voor op een breed spectrum van beroepsdomeinen, bestaat uit een combinatie van theorie en praktijk. Een bachelor student kan afstuderen na 3 jaar. Een graduaatsopleiding legt de focus op één specifiek beroepsprofiel en bestaat uit werkplekleren, wat theorie, veel praktijk en oefeningen. Een graduaatsstudent kan afstuderen na 2 jaar.