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Research projects

Offshore for Sure

During the Offshore for Sure (O4S) project, innovative energy solutions are being developed. Thanks to its expertise in cybersecurity, Howest contributes to the design of smart and secure maintenance systems. Additionally, Howest will serve as an educational partner.             


Within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the knowledge about cybersecurity is limited, posing a significant risk to the security of business processes and data.                                                                                                               


In this project, the prototype of the VR training (developed in the PWO SPRINT EDU XR) is optimized and expanded. This VR training is aimed at secondary school students (vocational orientation) learning to operate complex woodworking machines.                                     

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.                                                                                   


The technological revolution is progressing so rapidly that we witness new applications every day. Two key innovations transforming the world around us are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                              


The DiGaMe project aims to provide tailored instructions within mathematics education, customized to meet the individual needs of each student, while simultaneously increasing engagement and motivation.                                                                              


For the manufacturing sector in the plastics industry, bridging the gap between prototypes and production is a challenge. Howest aims to provide guidance to companies in building end-product-oriented prototypes, enabling them to make better design decisions.                      

YET 20

"The best is YET to come" builds on the research project YET (Youth Environment & engagement Tool) that was commissioned by the Flemish Community, Department of the Environment and fitted into the grant call "Together we imagine space."                                            


Creativ'Up aims to support cross-border innovation initiatives in the cultural and creative sector through inspiration, networking, enhancement of entrepreneurial skills, and innovation/change coaching.                                                                              


How does listening to music affect brain development? The KidBeats project considers music as a crucial factor in children's development, although technology isn't fully prepared to bridge the gap between musicians and children.