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Built Environment
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

Bachelor of Built Environment As an expert in the Built Environment, you will be a city maker who connects all actors in a construction project to build a livable environment for tomorrow.

Business Management
Campus Bruges Station Day classes, Distance learning

Bachelor of Business Management Do you love economics and the world of business? Do you want to become an expert in fields such as logistics, sales, marketing, fiscal matters, finance, HR, ...? Or are you dreaming of a job abroad?

Communication Management
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

Bachelor of Communication Management Vlogging, blogging, coming up with slogans and baselines, generating newsletters, setting up Instagram and Facebook campaigns, sketching creative commercials, organising unforgettable events, ...

Creative Technologies & Artificial Intelligence
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

From setting up reinforcement learning environments in a simulated 3D environment, to applied computer vision in XR, to deploying fully functional AI solutions with MLOps, the Bachelor in Creative Technologies & Artificial Intelligence is a unique blend between multimedia and applied AI.

Energy Management
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

Bachelor Energy Management Are you interested in energy, ecology and technology? You have a weakness for technique, without being a pure technician? Do you closely follow developments in the field of renewable energy?

European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM)
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

The European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM) is an initiative of EUREC (Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres) in collaboration with a consortium of higher education institutions, notably the Hanzehogeschool Groningen (NL), Howest University of Applied S

HR Support
Associate degree
Campus Bruges Station Day classes, Distance learning

Associate Degree in HR Support Are you a real people person? Someone who wants to help others get the best out of themselves and their careers?

Human Resources Management
Campus Bruges Station Day classes

In the new Bachelor of Human Resources Management programme, you are trained to play a critical role in any organisation. 

Industrial Product Design
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

In the Bachelor of Industrial Product Design programme, you learn every step of the design process: from creative concept, design and technical development to the presentation of a production-ready design.

Internet of Things
Associate degree
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

Associate Degree in Internet of Things The world is getting smarter as everything becomes more connected through the internet - a fact we know better as the Internet of Things (IoT). Are you interested in electronics and networking? Do the very latest technologies fascinate you?

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