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Research projects

Coping with crisis

This project aims to introduce 'Oral Literature for Development' (OL4D) as a new paradigm, based on the belief that culture and creativity are central to the development of all people.                                                                                                



Generative AI is currently experiencing a significant surge. AI enthusiasts see endless opportunities, while doomsayers predict the downfall of creative professions and disruption in education. This research focuses on the role of AI applications in the creative sector.          


This research explores two interconnected paths related to Artificial Intelligence (AI): interpreting results to provide better/individual guidance for students and investigating which AI applications could be beneficial for education.                                             

AI Pathfinder

The overall aim of the AI-PathFinder project is to investigate how Flemish food companies should be supported in developing their AI strategies, thereby accelerating the concrete adoption of AI.                                                                                      


Metagenomic analysis involves studying all the DNA present in an isolated sample, simultaneously identifying multiple microorganisms for various applications, such as pathogen detection or resistance.                                                                                


In Flemish education, there is often talk of working excellently and maximizing talent, but at the same time, the least attention is paid to those who have the most potential and, as a result, they are at risk of dropping out.                                                      


Companies realize that further digitization is necessary to continue innovating, growing, and making their processes more efficient. However, businesses are increasingly questioning how they can be supported in the energy transition without incurring significant costs.           

BiKC infrastructuur

Many universities, laboratories, and businesses lack the knowledge, expertise, or resources to hire a full-time bioinformatician. The Bioinformatics Knowledge Center (BiKC) addresses this need through practical research and services.                                               

Bridges by Mentors

The project provides internationalization in the context of home, connecting international students with citizens from diverse backgrounds. As a result, an international boost is given to individuals who may not always be inclined to meet young people from another country.       

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.