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Research projects


In Flemish education, there is often talk of working excellently and maximizing talent, but at the same time, the least attention is paid to those who have the most potential and, as a result, they are at risk of dropping out.                                                      

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.                                                                                   


Companies realize that further digitization is necessary to continue innovating, growing, and making their processes more efficient. However, businesses are increasingly questioning how they can be supported in the energy transition without incurring significant costs.           

Muziek id metaverse

Internationally, there is a growing trend of cross-over collaborations between the gaming industry and the music sector, experimenting with virtual productions.                                                                                                                        

P5 Uganda

There is a high unemployment rate among young people in Uganda (83%, UBOS 2018). This is due to a significant skills gap and school dropouts. Many graduates (bachelors and masters) also struggle to find jobs due to limited skills.                                                  


The technological revolution is progressing so rapidly that we witness new applications every day. Two key innovations transforming the world around us are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                              

MJP Blended HV

COVID-19 has demonstrated that utilizing digital communication tools, whether alone or in combination with face-to-face interactions, can greatly enhance the experiences of citizens, clients, and patients in their interactions with service providers, helpers, and healthcare profs

XR in de realiteit

Many schools have the ambition to implement Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), or overarching eXtended Reality (XR) in their offerings. Especially for students for whom skill training is a core task, XR applications can add value.                                       

BiKC infrastructuur

Many universities, laboratories, and businesses lack the knowledge, expertise, or resources to hire a full-time bioinformatician. The Bioinformatics Knowledge Center (BiKC) addresses this need through practical research and services.                                               

ISOC infrastructuur

Howest is establishing an Integrated Security Operations Center (ISOC). An ISOC is an extension of the more familiar SOC (Security Operations Center, the physical location of an information security team).