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Research projects


Quindo is a hub where young people in Kortrijk are provided with the tools to learn and refine cross-media skills. It's a place where, under guidance, they can produce and present content on an online platform, with streaming radio at its core.                                    

GalvanEyez Infra

Creating digital content (marketing campaigns, websites, apps and VR/AR applications) requires a thorough understanding of end-user experiences and responses. Traditional methods such as surveys provide valuable insights, but often miss the unconscious responses.                 

Gen Z Lab

Gen Z (individuals born between 1995 and 2009) is the future – as citizens, consumers, and employees. However, Gen Z keeps their cards close to the chest.                                                                                                                              



Generative AI is currently experiencing a significant surge. AI enthusiasts see endless opportunities, while doomsayers predict the downfall of creative professions and disruption in education. This research focuses on the role of AI applications in the creative sector.          


The objective is to create a Mixed Reality application that instructs students in proper and scientifically substantiated techniques for lifting and hoisting.                                                                                                                          


During this project, an online learning platform is being developed where educational objectives related to digital competencies can be addressed.                                                                                                                                      

Coping with crisis

This project aims to introduce 'Oral Literature for Development' (OL4D) as a new paradigm, based on the belief that culture and creativity are central to the development of all people.                                                                                                

XR Factor

XR Factor aims to survey Flemish secondary schools with dual finality and/or labor market finality that have diverse XR expertise. To obtain a comprehensive overview, we also engage in conversations with external stakeholders involved in XR implementations in schools.            


This research explores two interconnected paths related to Artificial Intelligence (AI): interpreting results to provide better/individual guidance for students and investigating which AI applications could be beneficial for education.