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Research projects


How has the Flemish coastal landscape evolved over the past 5000 years, both at sea and on land? Which areas were flooded and eroded during storm surges? What archaeological traces of past habitation and exploitation are preserved on land and in the sea?                          


Howest and Sport Flanders have developed expertise in the niche field of 'exergames' or 'interactive movement games' through the Sports Innovation Campus. Through this collaboration, we are establishing a space for research, education, and services on this theme. From Howest, our

Blue Balance

The Blue BALANCE project aims to create support among citizens and tourists for sustainable economic activities along the coast (including coastal protection, blue food, renewable energy, ports, and tourism).                                                                        


In order to successfully adapt to the changing, increasingly fragmented media consumption habits of young people and the growing international competition, media players need to undergo a digital transformation to create innovative multimedia content across all possible platforms

ProeftuinMedia XR5G

Will we soon see (even more) virtual reality integrated into traditional TV news broadcasts? Will we have real-time statistics of football players displayed on our smartphones during matches?                                                                                         


The objective is to create a Mixed Reality application that instructs students in proper and scientifically substantiated techniques for lifting and hoisting.                                                                                                                          


Blockchain, as a technology or rather as a concept, is still relatively young but has generated significant interest and enthusiasm worldwide among citizens, civic organizations, businesses, service providers, and governments.                                                      

No-code (r)evolutie

Developing custom software is a costly and time-consuming process. Many organizations resort to using MS Office or the Google Suite, but the world of no-code offers far more possibilities than standard office applications.                                                          


Metagenomic analysis involves studying all the DNA present in an isolated sample, simultaneously identifying multiple microorganisms for various applications, such as pathogen detection or resistance.                                                                                


The clinical (pediatric) ophthalmic practice is confronted daily with the limitations of available visual assessment and rehabilitation tools. Ophthalmologists consistently face challenges in obtaining reliable results from vision tests in children.