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Research projects


Flexicap aims to unlock collective insights regarding the implementation of the digital meter. In doing so, it aims to create contemporary solutions for consumers to better manage their energy bills.                                                                                 


This project demonstrates best practices for Flemish SMEs to handle their data more maturely. Utilizing the most efficient technologies, we ensure that unstructured data is transformed into valuable big data.                                                                        


With Rethink Energy 4 Food, the project consortium aims to accelerate the energy transition in the Flemish food industry. New technology solutions are being developed at foodcompanies to contribute to the Flemish 2030 goals.                                                        


An international consortium collaborates on innovation in palliative care education of bachelor-degree nurses.

Health Tech Labs

'Upscaling Health Tech labs for Accelerating Innovations' aims to expand the digital health knowledge boulevard from Bruges. After all, the many digital technologies (MHealth, XR, AI big data,...) do not yet always find their way to the customer and the healthcare professional.  


Drone transport is and remains of the most important applications due to its logistical potential, cost efficiency, environmental friendliness and deployability for high-risk tasks. With Vertiports, West Flanders is being prepared for the evolution towards unmanned air traffic.  

Resilient VEG-i-TEC

This project investigates how, using new fixed and mobile infrastructure, advanced smart energy and water management can lead to water, electricity and heat optimizations at agri-food companies.                                                                                      

Manuf Excellence

To improve effectively, companies must be able to assess their situation and select the right technologies. Both aspects do not appear to be evident for SMEs. This project aims to build a research infrastructure to set up demonstrations/validations.                               

Digital Health Lab

The project aims to establish and develop the Digital Health Lab in West Flanders, focusing primarily on digital preventive health.The Digital Health Lab will consist of three main components:                                                                                        



The Sport Good Governance Game (SG3) project consists of three parts: an awareness game, a workshop, and an action plan.