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In the NursEduPal@Euro strategic partnership, Howest Nursing forms a consortium with educational institutions in Finland (KAMK) and Romania (UnitBv) and the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC) ( The Erasmus+ project focuses on teachers and consists of 4 phases in which 7 Intellectual Outputs are realised: (1) Defining the basic competences to be acquired in palliative care; (2) Developing innovative teaching methods on palliative care topics and providing teaching materials; (3) Creating a European matrix for curriculum development and training teachers in its use, and (4) Facilitating a European network of palliative care teachers. The project will develop materials to support nurse educators in acquiring the appropriate knowledge, skills and attitudes to deliver palliative care to their students in an innovative and engaging way through experiential and immersive training. In this way, palliative care should be fully integrated with other care topics in the European nursing curricula. In time, this will have a positive impact on the palliative care skills of future nurses!