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European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM)
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

The European Master in Sustainable Energy System Management (SESyM) is an initiative of EUREC (Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres) in collaboration with a consortium of higher education institutions, notably the Hanzehogeschool Groningen (NL), Howest University of Applied S

Destination Development in Tourism (autumn)
English-taught semester
Campus Kortrijk Weide Day classes

Today no one doubts that the future of tourism is digital and online. A digital creative tourism manager possesses vital new skills: visual and digital storytelling, entrepreneurship and an international, crossmedia mindset.

Integrated Building Design and Construction (autumn)
English-taught semester
Campus Bruges Station Day classes

Advanced CAAD workshops on building information modelling are accompanied by practice sessions, improving your visualisation skills.

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