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Research projects

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.                                                                                   

KKGK Taalcoach

Creating equal opportunities for vulnerable groups is a top priority for Flemish education policy. Quality preschool and primary education that can overcome barriers is essential in this regard.                                                                                      

Satellietenmodel WH

With this project, we aim to foster a culture of learning and enthusiasm for learning in the Westhoek region. Howest acts as a knowledge partner in defining a matrix with LLL formats and, together with Syntra, will shape a learning network involving businesses.                   

XR Factor

XR Factor aims to survey Flemish secondary schools with dual finality and/or labor market finality that have diverse XR expertise. To obtain a comprehensive overview, we also engage in conversations with external stakeholders involved in XR implementations in schools.            


Experiential Learning in and with Nature: Towards Sustainable Implementation in Diverse Contexts                                                                                                                                                                                        

Sleepcoach 2

Studies show that good sleep enhances the vitality of both employees and organizations. In this project, a widely applicable training program is being developed for workplace wellbeing professionals.                                                                                 


The technological revolution is progressing so rapidly that we witness new applications every day. Two key innovations transforming the world around us are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                              


The DiGaMe project aims to provide tailored instructions within mathematics education, customized to meet the individual needs of each student, while simultaneously increasing engagement and motivation.