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Research projects


The project 'Artificial Intelligence Inspiration' (Art-Ie) aims to strengthen the cross-border region of Flanders-Netherlands in the field of digital innovation, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                                         


There is a high unemployment rate among young people in Uganda (83%, UBOS 2018). This is due to a significant skills gap and school dropouts. Many graduates (bachelors and masters) also struggle to find jobs due to limited skills.                                                  


The objective is to create a Mixed Reality application that instructs students in proper and scientifically substantiated techniques for lifting and hoisting.                                                                                                                          



The project objective of Smart Services Bridge is to establish connections and synergies between businesses (SMEs) and higher education institutions in the cross-border region of Flanders-Netherlands to enhance innovation capacity in the region.                                   


With AI-UPD8, the Howest research groups DAE Research and Business and Media want to be and remain a living knowledge and expertise center for every Flemish SME that has questions about generative AI, wants to be inspired or needs guidance on implementation.                      

YET 20

"The best is YET to come" builds on the research project YET (Youth Environment & engagement Tool) that was commissioned by the Flemish Community, Department of the Environment and fitted into the grant call "Together we imagine space."                                            


The CyberHubs project aims to improve the cybersecurity skills ecosystem in Europe by establishing a network of 7 Cybersecurity Skills Hubs in Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia and Spain.                                                                        


Howest aims to develop and open up advanced research infrastructure to support Flemish companies, governments, organizations and citizens during their digitalization. In that context, Howest will establish a WEB3 & Metaverse Experience Lab.                                        

Brugge beweegt

The project Bruges Moves is a structural collaboration between Howest and the City of Bruges to engage students in encouraging all residents of Bruges to participate in physical activity.                                                                                             


Flexicap aims to unlock collective insights regarding the implementation of the digital meter. In doing so, it aims to create contemporary solutions for consumers to better manage their energy bills.