General Start in spring Class schedule How to apply? Become a next-generation web developer As a next-generation web developer, you will learn to process multimodal input into front-end applications with an interface that is more user-friendly and allows more interaction. Multimodal input is an increased heart rate, a raised eyebrow, a change in attitude or tone of voice. This is the input you get to work with rather than a simple click or swipe. You combine the best a front end has to offer with a lot of back-end technology: voice processing, eye-tracking, biometric data. In doing so, you put AI to use in such a way that your interface also interprets what your user wants to achieve. #FrontendDevelopment #BackendDevelopment #VoiceProcessing #Eyetracking #ArtificialIntelligence #InterfaceDesign Upon completion of this minor you will be able to call yourself a full stack developer ready for next generation interfacing. After that, only one challenge awaits: choosing where to work from the abundance of offers. You can also work as a web developer, human interface designer/developer or (mobile) app developer. Begin jouw opleiding in februari Bij Howest begrijpen we dat het vinden van de juiste studierichting een uitdaging kan zijn. Misschien is je gekozen opleiding niet wat je had verwacht of vallen de resultaten na de eerste examens tegen. Blijf niet bij de pakken zitten en maak een nieuwe start in februari!Meer informatie over starten in februari?Neem contact op met de opleiding;Vraag eventuele vrijstellingen aan;Zet de tweede week van februari in je agenda, want dan maak je een nieuwe start! Your class schedule Every week you will have between 20 and 24 hours of lessons. Your lesson hours are scheduled to be as complimentary as possible. Below you can view a sample schedule. Schedules may vary from year to year. The final class schedule for the school year is finalised in September. Kostenraming We geven je een raming van de studiekost van de opleiding Next Web Developer aan Howest. We maken daarbij een onderscheid tussen de algemene studiekost en de opleidingsgebonden studiekosten. Lees meer Study financing Together with a social service staff member, you can check your eligibility for study financing. Read more Inschrijven You can already register online for 2023-24. After completing registration, you will receive an email with all the info needed to complete your enrolment. Book your place at Howest now! Read more Info day Saturday 15 March FROM 10h TILL 16h Read more Come and visit us These are the next info days in Kortrijk: Sat15March Sat10May Sat28June All info days More info? Receive the brochure by post Subscribe to the newsletter of this study programme. First name Last name E-mail Leave this field blank Programme in pictures Strengths of the programme Mix van theorie en praktijk Nieuwe technologieën beheersen doe je niet enkel door naar gepassioneerde docenten te luisteren. Daarom worden de theorielessen steeds gekoppeld aan praktijklabo’s. Sterke link met het werkveld Bedrijven worden al betrokken vanaf het tweede jaar. MCT heeft zijn eigen onderzoekslab rond AI, 5G en XR, wat veel projecten oplevert met de bedrijven. Daarnaast zijn er gastprofessoren en studiebezoeken. Een van de hoogtepunten is onze reis naar Silicon Valley (Howest Goes USA). Werk- en stagezekerheid Door de nauwe samenwerking met de bedrijfswereld ben je na 2,5 jaar helemaal klaar om met een voorsprong op stage te gaan. Ook dan word je weer aangenaam verrast: er zijn 300 tot 500 stageplaatsen beschikbaar voor 60 tot 80 stagiairs. Je hoeft dus zelf niet op zoek! High-tech projectwerk Projecten staan centraal in je MCT-studies. De studenten zijn unaniem: door projecten tot een goed einde te brengen, leer je zoveel meer en word je een professional met een voorsprong. Met ieder project verbeter je je technologiekennis en soft skills en tank je vertrouwen voor de toekomst. Persoonlijke begeleiding Docenten zijn aanspreekbaar tijdens de lessen. Ze zijn je coach en collega tijdens de projectweken. Bij ons geen overvolle aula’s, maar kleinere klasgroepen waar iedere student tot zijn recht komt. Nieuws Infomoment Info day Saturday, 15 March 2025 Come to Howest's info day to learn about our bachelor's and associate degree programmes and discover our campuses in Bruges and Kortrijk. Evenement Shaping Matter Event 02/04/2025 Join Howest/Industrial Product Design (IPO) and partners to explore why Pellet AM could be a game-changer—and whether it is right for you. Nieuws Gold for Industrial Product Design and Digital Arts & Entertainment Our bachelor's programmes in Industrial Product Design (IPO) and Digital Arts & Entertainment (DAE) have once again taken gold at the prestigious The Rookies Awards 2024! Hét grote pluspunt bij Howest is de persoonlijke aanpak. De lectoren kennen elke student en volgen je nauw op. De gebouwen van Howest hebben bovendien een ziel. Op de bruisende campussen heerst een gemoedelijke sfeer onder studenten en lectoren. Ook bij het administratief personeel en Stuvo staat de deur altijd open. Aan deze hogeschool leer je niet enkel in boeken, je stapt ook de wereld in en oefent in de praktijk. De uitgebreide stages bereiden je voor op de arbeidsmarkt. Na de opleiding ben je klaar voor het echte werk of kan je verder studeren als je dat wil. Evy Schacht Howest Alumna 2021 Register now! Have you decided? We look forward to welcoming you to our Howest community! You can find all information about registering via the link below. Apply now FAQ If you don't find what you're looking for or have a specific question about this program, please feel free to contact us. We are available every weekday from 9am to 5pm. Direct other questions to this contact person: Frederiek Berthier Academic director Contact What is the essential difference between Multimedia and Creative Technologies and other IT courses? The keywords are "Creative with Technology" and "Multimedia" Technology. 'Agile' and creative use of technology is deeply rooted in the DNA of the programme. In other words: MCT people are trained to creatively implement new technology in companies that quickly switch to methods such as SCRUM. You will therefore find that MCTers perform more than average in start-ups, scale-outs, innovative SMEs and innovation departments of large companies. "Multimedia" technology refers to the fact that the MCTer uses technology to develop the multimedia interfaces of the future, such as a smart watch interface that also responds to your voice and actions or an Augmented Reality interface that integrates AI. What is the difference between Multimedia and Creative Technologies and other IT programs in terms of education and end goal? We believe that our students are 'inventors', 'technical creatives' ('the IoT Generation'). The ultimate goal of the Multimedia and Creative Technologies program is the realization of projects. Not one day a week or in 'a profession like there are more', but during an intense period of 5 to 6 weeks, in which you first try out the latest technology alone before taking it on in a group to bring it to life. During the project weeks you only focus on executing your project and you gradually discover your strengths and weaknesses. From the second year, you will receive team assignments from small and large companies that want to bring the 'MCT Silicon Valley spirit' into their company. They will ask your group to convert new technologies into a working proof of concept project ( What laptop and other hardware do I need? In the case you buy a laptop through Howest, you can look here which laptop is recommended by your course. In the case you already own a laptop or wish to buy a new one yourself, it needs to qualify to the same specifications. Can I study abroad in this program? Would you like to study abroad for a semester? Or are you interested in an international internship? You can! You will discover all the opportunities to go abroad within Howest on this page. During your studies, we will work together to make your international adventure a reality! Do I need prior knowledge to start this course? No. Our team applies unique teaching methods, adapted to your prior knowledge. The only thing that is important is that you are present in class and practice the things that you are struggling with. Since Multimedia and Creative Technologies (MCT) trains you to become a professional who can realize real-life IT projects, doing nothing for weeks and only starting to study intensely in the last weeks before the exams is not a good option. Therefore, attending classes and updating your practical skills every week are very important. How big are the classes? In the first year you have about 30 percent theory. Then, exceptionally, you will be sitting together with 90 to 150 other students. Most classes, however, are in groups of 20 to 28 students. The further in the training, the more this is the case. During the project weeks you also work closely together in groups of three to four students.