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Research projects


From conversations with partners in the construction sector, it became evident that there is untapped potential for integrating STEM into the construction industry.                                                                                                                    


A group of young people aged 14 and above will collaborate on spotlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through an artistic-technological intervention in their city/town. A program will be established in collaboration with local youth organizations.                   


Howest, through STEAMhive, plays a pivotal role in the field of STEM in leisure activities. Within STEAMhive III, Howest provides support to organisations aiming to establish extracurricular STEM activities from the Mind- and Makerspace and The Enterprise.                        


LoREco, as an ESF transition project, aims to explore ways to achieve this goal. The objective is to strengthen the local economy and social fabric within cities by using a complementary currency and a guaranteed income linked to it.                                               

Gen Z Lab

Gen Z (individuals born between 1995 and 2009) is the future – as citizens, consumers, and employees. However, Gen Z keeps their cards close to the chest.                                                                                                                              

Urban meiden

Research indicates that socially active sports practices are empowering and contribute to a positive perception of young people in disadvantaged neighborhoods.                                                                                                                         

Coping with crisis

This project aims to introduce 'Oral Literature for Development' (OL4D) as a new paradigm, based on the belief that culture and creativity are central to the development of all people.