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Research projects


How has the Flemish coastal landscape evolved over the past 5000 years, both at sea and on land? Which areas were flooded and eroded during storm surges? What archaeological traces of past habitation and exploitation are preserved on land and in the sea?                          


Can AI models engage in realistic conversations with people and perform complex tasks (behaving as a specific persona, such as a client in a psychologist's session)? And how can we combine generative AI tools to create a credible embodied conversational agent?                    


From conversations with partners in the construction sector, it became evident that there is untapped potential for integrating STEM into the construction industry.                                                                                                                    


A group of young people aged 14 and above will collaborate on spotlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through an artistic-technological intervention in their city/town. A program will be established in collaboration with local youth organizations.                   

ProeftuinMedia XR5G

Will we soon see (even more) virtual reality integrated into traditional TV news broadcasts? Will we have real-time statistics of football players displayed on our smartphones during matches?