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Research projects


The healthcare system in Belgium has been facing several challenges in recent years, including the cost of quality healthcare, changes in the demographic population, exponential growth in technological applications, and a growing number of people with multiple chronic conditions.


Since January 2021, SIOPA (Smart Immersive Occupational Performance Assessment) has been underway as a practice-oriented scientific research project (PWO). VR (Virtual Reality) applications are being developed for individuals with acquired brain injury and visual difficulties.   


The clinical (pediatric) ophthalmic practice is confronted daily with the limitations of available visual assessment and rehabilitation tools. Ophthalmologists consistently face challenges in obtaining reliable results from vision tests in children.                               

5G-Pilot HealthCare

Through the deployment of a high-quality 5G network, the Westhoek becomes a true smart region. This aligns with the objectives of the integrated economic regional vision of the Westhoek, 'The Westhoek Impulse Plan.'                                                                 


From conversations with partners in the construction sector, it became evident that there is untapped potential for integrating STEM into the construction industry.                                                                                                                    


A group of young people aged 14 and above will collaborate on spotlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through an artistic-technological intervention in their city/town. A program will be established in collaboration with local youth organizations.