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Research projects


Howest aims to develop and open up advanced research infrastructure to support Flemish companies, governments, organizations and citizens during their digitalization. In that context, Howest will establish a WEB3 & Metaverse Experience Lab.                                        


Blockchain, as a technology or rather as a concept, is still relatively young but has generated significant interest and enthusiasm worldwide among citizens, civic organizations, businesses, service providers, and governments.                                                      

Future Flemish Pig

The overall goal of the ICON project is to acquire knowledge about current challenges in pig production and processing chains in Flanders and enhance collaboration throughout the chain.                                                                                               

UPSKILL Blue Energy

To support the growth and development of the economically significant sector 'Blue Energy,' a state-of-the-art training center is being established in Bluebridge at the Ostend Science Park, in collaboration with POM West Flanders.                                                  


This project focuses on digital transformation in government. How can we enhance, expedite, and innovate public services to citizens through new technologies?                                                                                                                          


The project 'Artificial Intelligence Inspiration' (Art-Ie) aims to strengthen the cross-border region of Flanders-Netherlands in the field of digital innovation, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                                         

AI Pathfinder

The overall aim of the AI-PathFinder project is to investigate how Flemish food companies should be supported in developing their AI strategies, thereby accelerating the concrete adoption of AI.                                                                                      


How can we protect industrial networks from cyberattacks by using artificial intelligence to predict hackers' behavior? GAICIA (Utilizing Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence Against Cyber-Industrial Attacks) seeks to answer this question during this research.                  


The technological revolution is progressing so rapidly that we witness new applications every day. Two key innovations transforming the world around us are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                              


The clinical (pediatric) ophthalmic practice is confronted daily with the limitations of available visual assessment and rehabilitation tools. Ophthalmologists consistently face challenges in obtaining reliable results from vision tests in children.