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Research projects


During this project, an online learning platform is being developed where educational objectives related to digital competencies can be addressed.                                                                                                                                      


From the Level-Up project, a follow-up initiative has been established, aimed at professionalizing teachers of the 3rd grade in secondary education focusing on the labor market and double finality, enabling them to enhance digital competencies and data literacy of their students.

No-code (r)evolutie

Developing custom software is a costly and time-consuming process. Many organizations resort to using MS Office or the Google Suite, but the world of no-code offers far more possibilities than standard office applications.                                                          


This research explores two interconnected paths related to Artificial Intelligence (AI): interpreting results to provide better/individual guidance for students and investigating which AI applications could be beneficial for education.                                             


Metagenomic analysis involves studying all the DNA present in an isolated sample, simultaneously identifying multiple microorganisms for various applications, such as pathogen detection or resistance.                                                                                

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.                                                                                   

HA in beleid

Due to the increasing aging population and the associated societal challenges, focusing on healthy and active aging is gaining importance. Local governments can play a crucial role in this by implementing an age-friendly policy.                                                    

Satellietenmodel WH

With this project, we aim to foster a culture of learning and enthusiasm for learning in the Westhoek region. Howest acts as a knowledge partner in defining a matrix with LLL formats and, together with Syntra, will shape a learning network involving businesses.