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Individual support

The social services department is ready to support you in all discretion in case of questions and difficulties. It may help to talk to someone about your situation, thoughts and feelings. Discussing your psychological well-being can lead to useful insights.

Contact us

Are you looking for psychological support outside Howest?

You can contact psychologists for individual support outside Howest. You can search for a therapist via (in Dutch), where you can select on region and language.

The cost of a consultation with a therapist is on average €65. Financial support is possible if you are a member of a Belgian health insurance fund. You can receive a reimbursement for mental health care.

Next to the average cost, there is a possibility to consult a therapist via a reduced tariff of €11 or €4. For students up to 23 years of age, there is no personal share. The conditions are also being a member of a Belgian health insurance fund and the therapist needs to be a member of the "convention". You can find a convented therapist via

If you want a professional referral to a therapist, you can contact a GP. Or you can contact the social services department.

More information about the health insurance fund:

A Belgian health insurance fund is next to the basic health insurance of Expat & Co. Then you have a membership contribution, on top of the legal contribution, which depends on the health insurance fund. For students with an European Health Insurance card (EHIC), affiliation is free to all mutual health organisations.

List of Belgian health insurance funds (you have a free choice):

For students without EHIC, you can join the local service of the Hulpkas voor Ziekte- en Invaliditeitsuitkeringen - English. This is a government organisation where the affiliation is free, but they don't offer any other services beyond the compulsory health insurance.

Students usually need the following documents to join a health insurance fund:

  • identity card or pasport

  • proof of enrolment at a Belgian educational establishment

  • proof of residence in Belgium (e.g. rental contract)

  • other documents depending on the specific purpose to reach
    an appropriate solution together

Group offer

Group training sessions

Apart from possible individual counselling, you can take part in a small number of English spoken student training sessions in the course of the academic year. We focus on specific themes that may be recognisable to you as a student: fear of failure, procastination, worrying, stress, etc. Training sessions and workshops are organised per semester.

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Stuvo connects

Connecting with others is essential for every student. Stuvo Connects creates new opportunities to meet others and inspires you to share interests. We pay attention to developing a positive mindset. Discover our range of activities, for and by students, with a focus on community & wellbeing.

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Contact us

You can reach the members of the social services by phone or e-mail.

Do you wish to make an appointment right away? Then you can do so via their online agenda. Please keep in mind there can be a possible waiting time.

Contact us

More help outside Howest

Do you need support, advice or a chat during the absence of social services? Then you can consult the following services/platforms:

  • Moodspace, a place for students with tips and information to get started yourself.
  • For an initial chat and advice, you can turn to the JAC.
  • An Overkop House provides a safe place where you can spontaneously drop in and talk to counsellors.
  • For some free therapy sessions by psychologists working on a voluntary basis, you can visit ‘therapeuten voor jongeren’.
  • Elpen helps you in your search for a conventional psychologist in West Flanders.
  • For difficulties studying, you can chat with Teleblok
  • Request study allowance: 1700 or

Talking and asking helps!

Emergency numbers

Teleonthaal: 106

a telephone conversation or chat (

Medical emergy number: 112

urgent medical assistance

General practitioner: 1733

a GP on duty

Awel: 102

a telephone and online helpline (

Suicide prevention: 1813

urgent need for conversation or chat (

Posion control center: +32 70 24 25 45

telephone advice in case of poisoning