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Research projects

P5 Uganda

There is a high unemployment rate among young people in Uganda (83%, UBOS 2018). This is due to a significant skills gap and school dropouts. Many graduates (bachelors and masters) also struggle to find jobs due to limited skills.                                                  


The technological revolution is progressing so rapidly that we witness new applications every day. Two key innovations transforming the world around us are the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).                                                              

Healthy Howest

The Healthy Howest project aims to develop a health policy for Howest students and staff. A policy plan is being devised to promote physical, mental, and social well-being among both staff and students.                                                                              

Urban meiden

Research indicates that socially active sports practices are empowering and contribute to a positive perception of young people in disadvantaged neighborhoods.                                                                                                                         

Kapitein Werkgeluk

The aim of the project is to firmly embed Job Satisfaction in secondary education. Keeping teachers happy on board is the guiding principle. Because without Job Satisfaction, no one sails smoothly.                                                                                   


Experiential Learning in and with Nature: Towards Sustainable Implementation in Diverse Contexts