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Research projects


A group of young people aged 14 and above will collaborate on spotlighting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through an artistic-technological intervention in their city/town. A program will be established in collaboration with local youth organizations.                   


Howest, through STEAMhive, plays a pivotal role in the field of STEM in leisure activities. Within STEAMhive III, Howest provides support to organisations aiming to establish extracurricular STEM activities from the Mind- and Makerspace and The Enterprise.                        


The CyberHubs project aims to improve the cybersecurity skills ecosystem in Europe by establishing a network of 7 Cybersecurity Skills Hubs in Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia and Spain.                                                                        


Drone transport is and remains of the most important applications due to its logistical potential, cost efficiency, environmental friendliness and deployability for high-risk tasks. With Vertiports, West Flanders is being prepared for the evolution towards unmanned air traffic.  


How can we protect industrial networks from cyberattacks by using artificial intelligence to predict hackers' behavior? GAICIA (Utilizing Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence Against Cyber-Industrial Attacks) seeks to answer this question during this research.                  

UPSKILL Blue Energy

To support the growth and development of the economically significant sector 'Blue Energy,' a state-of-the-art training center is being established in Bluebridge at the Ostend Science Park, in collaboration with POM West Flanders.                                                  

ISOC infrastructuur

Howest is establishing an Integrated Security Operations Center (ISOC). An ISOC is an extension of the more familiar SOC (Security Operations Center, the physical location of an information security team).                                                                           

VlaamseStuurgroep CS

The coordination of the Flemish Steering Group - Cybersecurity Support Policy is assigned to KUL and Howest. This aligns with the implementation of the Flemish Cybersecurity Policy Plan Part 3, encompassing communication programs and training initiatives.                         

5G-Pilot HealthCare

Through the deployment of a high-quality 5G network, the Westhoek becomes a true smart region. This aligns with the objectives of the integrated economic regional vision of the Westhoek, 'The Westhoek Impulse Plan.'                                                                 

5G-Pilot Zeevaart

This project harnesses 5G technology for unmanned navigation on inland waterways, focusing on semi-autonomous inland navigation with support through 5G connectivity. Howest is exploring the possibilities of a 360° camera and VR applications on the boat & will conduct field tests.