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Research projects

XR in de realiteit

Many schools have the ambition to implement Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), or overarching eXtended Reality (XR) in their offerings. Especially for students for whom skill training is a core task, XR applications can add value.                                       


Research and Expertise Center Vital Cities identifies the principles of child and youth-friendly heritage through appreciative inquiry.                                                                                                                                                 

Satellietenmodel WH

With this project, we aim to foster a culture of learning and enthusiasm for learning in the Westhoek region. Howest acts as a knowledge partner in defining a matrix with LLL formats and, together with Syntra, will shape a learning network involving businesses.                   


In this project, we will explore the potential of utilizing the River Leie as a heat source to efficiently and intelligently warm future buildings of Howest and the city of Kortrijk.                                                                                                  


The clinical (pediatric) ophthalmic practice is confronted daily with the limitations of available visual assessment and rehabilitation tools. Ophthalmologists consistently face challenges in obtaining reliable results from vision tests in children.                               

XR Factor

XR Factor aims to survey Flemish secondary schools with dual finality and/or labor market finality that have diverse XR expertise. To obtain a comprehensive overview, we also engage in conversations with external stakeholders involved in XR implementations in schools.            


The commuting system needs to be more sustainable. The proportion of cycling and public transport in commuting needs to increase. To achieve these objectives, the Commuting Fund has been established.The Commuting Fund will undertake various actions to attain these goals:         


For cities, keeping the energy bill affordable is a challenge. Howest is assisting Kortrijk city in this regard. Through pilot projects in Kortrijk Weide and Transfo Zwevegem, the Smart Technology Energy lab is developing a data architecture for smart control of energy systems. 


We collaborate with palliative care specialist nurses to develop escape games that will later be made freely available in the sector. These games offer an innovative way to interact, test problem-solving abilities, and face challenges.                                             

5G-Pilot HealthCare

Through the deployment of a high-quality 5G network, the Westhoek becomes a true smart region. This aligns with the objectives of the integrated economic regional vision of the Westhoek, 'The Westhoek Impulse Plan.'