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Research projects

YET 20

"The best is YET to come" builds on the research project YET (Youth Environment & engagement Tool) that was commissioned by the Flemish Community, Department of the Environment and fitted into the grant call "Together we imagine space."                                            


In Flemish education, there is often talk of working excellently and maximizing talent, but at the same time, the least attention is paid to those who have the most potential and, as a result, they are at risk of dropping out.                                                      

XR Factor

XR Factor aims to survey Flemish secondary schools with dual finality and/or labor market finality that have diverse XR expertise. To obtain a comprehensive overview, we also engage in conversations with external stakeholders involved in XR implementations in schools.            


This research explores two interconnected paths related to Artificial Intelligence (AI): interpreting results to provide better/individual guidance for students and investigating which AI applications could be beneficial for education.                                             


The objective is to create a Mixed Reality application that instructs students in proper and scientifically substantiated techniques for lifting and hoisting.                                                                                                                          


During this project, an online learning platform is being developed where educational objectives related to digital competencies can be addressed.                                                                                                                                      


The CyberHubs project aims to improve the cybersecurity skills ecosystem in Europe by establishing a network of 7 Cybersecurity Skills Hubs in Belgium, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Slovenia and Spain.                                                                        


Drone transport is and remains of the most important applications due to its logistical potential, cost efficiency, environmental friendliness and deployability for high-risk tasks. With Vertiports, West Flanders is being prepared for the evolution towards unmanned air traffic.  


How can we protect industrial networks from cyberattacks by using artificial intelligence to predict hackers' behavior? GAICIA (Utilizing Behavior-Based Artificial Intelligence Against Cyber-Industrial Attacks) seeks to answer this question during this research.                  

UPSKILL Blue Energy

To support the growth and development of the economically significant sector 'Blue Energy,' a state-of-the-art training center is being established in Bluebridge at the Ostend Science Park, in collaboration with POM West Flanders.