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Howest, de hogeschool West-Vlaanderen en de vzw OU-KI slaan dit jaar de handen in elkaar voor een vijfdaagse navorming Werken met ouders en kinderen volgens de principes van Françoise Dolto en andere auteurs.
Het programma behelst volgende vijf thema's:

  • 20/02: Psychoanalytisch werken met kinderen en ouders: voorbij de clichés naar een bruikbare praktijk
  • 19/03: Kind-zijn en ouder-worden: de impact van life events (een geboorte, verhuis, overlijden, echtscheiding,...) en hoe er als professional mee om te gaan
  • 23/04: Ook het lichaam spreekt: hoe signalen te interpreteren en gebruiken in het dagelijks werk
  • 28/05: Casussen en vignetten: hoe op de werkvloer aan de slag met de eerder verworven inzichten?
  • 18/06: Etre et avoir: een film, een discussie en inzichten over school(uitval)

Françoise Dolto (1908-1988) was een Franse kinderarts en analytica. Haar werk stond volledig in het teken van het kind - van baby tot adolescent - en zijn of haar ouders.

Voor wie?

Deze vijfdaagse navorming is er voor iedereen die eerder het basisjaar Werken met kinderen en ouders volgde.

Data en locatie

Lessen vinden telkens op dinsdag plaats, telkens van 9.30 uur tot 16.15 uur in het nieuwe gebouw van Howest, Campus Gebouw A, Spoorwegstraat 4, 8000 Brugge.

  • dinsdag 20 februari 2024
  • dinsdag 19 maart 2024
  • dinsdag 23 april 2024
  • dinsdag 28 mei 2024
  • dinsdag 18 juni 2024


De kostprijs is €495 (broodjeslunch inbegrepen).


Informatie en inschrijven

Inschrijven voor de navorming Werken met ouders en kinderen kan via onderstaand formulier.

  • Current Persoonlijke informatie
  • Facturatiegegevens
  • Blijf op de hoogte
  • Completed
Info days
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Completing the online registration implies that you are officially enrolled and commits you to paying the registration fee. After your file is processed, you will receive an email with an invoice for payment of the registration fee.

Most advanced programmes (such as micro degrees and post-graduate programmes) are not eligible for scholarships or reduced fees. That type of financial assistance is reserved for students within the standard programmes (bachelor's). However, there are other possibilities offered by the Flemish government such as Flemish educational allowance, KMO-portefeuille and study vouchers.

Yes, it is possible. Please send your account number and billing details to howestacademy [at] (howestacademy[at]howest[dot]be). The refund for the originally paid registration fee will only be made after registration of payment with the SME-wallet. You will therefore temporarily have a double payment pending.

If your training is partially or fully funded through financial assistance (SME, Flemish training leave, Flemish educational allowance, Flemish training vouchers), it is important to check the terms of the financial assistance programme concerning compulsory attendance. Students are responsible for having their attendance formally registered by the lecturers.

The coordinator of your course will indicate which platform will be used for short-term courses. For long-term programmes, your course material can be found on You can log in with the details you received from the registrar’s office after enrolment.

Send an e-mail to howestacademy [at] (howestacademy[at]howest[dot]be) and you will get a quick reply.

For short-term postgraduate courses, direct registration via the webpage is final and binding. For diploma and credit courses such as bachelor’s, associates and microdegrees, pre-registration is not binding, but it assures you a place in the programme.

  • For associates degree:
    You are officially enrolled once you have completed your pre-registration online and signed it digitally. After processing and approval of your online registration by the registrar’s office, you will receive login details and an invoice for payment of the registration fee.
  • For microdegrees:
    You are officially enrolled after your pre-registration has been processed by the student registrar and after you have signed your programme contract. This can be done manually or digitally via the digital student learning platform: (shortcut at the bottom -> ibamaflex -> important information).

Payment of the registration fee must be made no later than 1 October or - if the course starts at another time - within 15 days of registration. For payments made by invoice, the latest payment date mentioned on the invoice applies. Only in exceptional cases will instalment payments be allowed and only if an instalment plan has been submitted and agreed to by Howest's financial officer. Please contact us at howestacademy [at] (howestacademy[at]howest[dot]be) for more information.