Howest has quite a few student organisations. These try to make your student life as pleasant as possible by organissing lots of activities. Howest supports its student organisations through allowance and advice. We also look over the inner workings of the recognized organisations. Howest has signed the Flemish ruleset concerning baptisms and student activities. A local charter for the students is available on the digital learning platform. Centaura (Kortrijk) The student association of Howest Kortrijk. Since 1977, we provide relaxation to students in-between the courses. Sports, culture, cantus events, parties, etc. You name it, we organize it. Our home basis is established on the campus GKG, more specifically in our campus pub ‘t Bunkertje. Visit our facebook Induscientia (Kortrijk) Induscientia is a student association established on the UGent-campus Kortrijk, which especially focusses on the ‘Industrial Sciences’ students. But let it be clear: everyone - from any study programme or study field whatsoever - who wants to contribute and have fun at the same time, is welcome! Under the motto “anything can, nothing has to be”, we choose to be a student club without any obligations. Ecliptica (Kortrijk) Ecliptica is the student association of the study field of ‘Electronics-ICT’. studentenverenigingecliptica [at] (Send us an email) Edge (Kortrijk) EDGE is a student association for the IO and IPO students of campus GKG Kortrijk. No cantus events , no baptism, no ribbons, ...but events and activities with a focus on students and design in the broadest sense of the word. edge [at] (Send us an email) Brihos (Brugge) Brihos is the oldest student club of Bruges. Most members are students of Howest Rijselstraat, but everybody is welcome. We are a small, but tight gang which vouches for fun and adventure. Sport and game activities, a pub tour and a Brihos weekend are yearly events on our calendar. At night you can find us in our home pub ‘De Pick’, where we also have a cantus every now and then. We hope to see you soon! Visit our facebook Aethyra (Brugge) Aethyra is a student club full of buddies where everyone is welcome. Our club room can be found on the campus Sint-Jorisstraat. As a tight group, we organize fun, various activities and we experience unforgettable evenings! Visit our facebook Aanvraag steun studentenactiviteit Wil je met je studentenclub een activiteit organiseren? Eerlijk is eerlijk: we hebben niets liever! Start je aanvraag