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Research projects


This research explores two interconnected paths related to Artificial Intelligence (AI): interpreting results to provide better/individual guidance for students and investigating which AI applications could be beneficial for education.                                             


Can AI models engage in realistic conversations with people and perform complex tasks (behaving as a specific persona, such as a client in a psychologist's session)? And how can we combine generative AI tools to create a credible embodied conversational agent?                    


Drone transport is and remains of the most important applications due to its logistical potential, cost efficiency, environmental friendliness and deployability for high-risk tasks. With Vertiports, West Flanders is being prepared for the evolution towards unmanned air traffic.  

Manuf Excellence

To improve effectively, companies must be able to assess their situation and select the right technologies. Both aspects do not appear to be evident for SMEs. This project aims to build a research infrastructure to set up demonstrations/validations.                               

ProeftuinMedia XR5G

Will we soon see (even more) virtual reality integrated into traditional TV news broadcasts? Will we have real-time statistics of football players displayed on our smartphones during matches?                                                                                         


For the manufacturing sector in the plastics industry, bridging the gap between prototypes and production is a challenge. Howest aims to provide guidance to companies in building end-product-oriented prototypes, enabling them to make better design decisions.