Back to English Taught Semester Global Business Management Global Business Management II (spring) course overview Find the course unit descriptions for this programme (course catalogue) Courses Compulsory Modules (27ECTS) Only 24 ECTS compulsory when Chinese Language and Culture or Personal Development and Group Processes is chosen. Courses listed in the same cell cannot be taken separately. Cultural & Socio-economic Introduction to Belgium (3ECTS) In this module you will learn about Belgian and Flemish culture and socio-economic data, all in comparison to the socioeconomic data of your home country. This module includes a survival course Dutch and visits to several important cities in Belgium. International Business (3ECTS) International Business aims to introduce you to the basic concepts necessary for a broad understanding of the international business environment. You will be able to understand concepts relevant to International Business and the differences between the business systems of the world’s leading economies. Global Trends (3ECTS) Global Trends is a series of guest speakers addressing current and future trends in Global Business Management. Customer Relationship Management (6ECTS) CRM is a customer relationship management (CRM) solution that provides the tools and capabilities needed to create and maintain a clear picture of customers, from first contact through to purchase and post-sales. Customer Relationship Management can be utilized for Sales Force Automation, Marketing Campaigns and complete Customer Service Management as out of the box functionalities. Students will learn to work with CRM-software, using the Salesforce Trailhead self-learning platform. Badges and points need to be collected by the students at the end of each module. Supporting CRM & MKT tools Next to the CRM-software students will also look into supporting tools: Google Adwords, Search Engine marketing (SEO/SEA), Display & video advertising Google Analytics Marketing Automation: Flexmail, Mailchimp,... Customer journey mapping software Consumer Behaviour (3ECTS) Students studying Consumer Behavior delve into understanding the psychological, social, and economic factors influencing consumer actions and decisions. Key aspects include: psychological processes; social influences; consumer decision-making; market research techniques; segmentation and targeting; brand loyalty and customer satisfaction; ethical and legal issues; consumer trends and innovation. Overall, students in Consumer Behavior courses gain insights into the complex interplay of factors that drive consumer decision-making, enabling them to develop effective marketing strategies and enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Data-driven Management (3ECTS) Data-driven management involves utilizing data and analytics for informed decision-making and process optimization. Students studying this field learn various skills. Overall, students in data-driven management programs gain skills to leverage data strategically for business growth, operational efficiency, and competitive advantage in today's economy. Change Management (3ECTS) When the rate of external change exceeds the rate of internal change, an organisation is in trouble. Although the implementation of any change in a company is not an easy task, companies cannot afford a status quo. As students, you will achieve the competences needed to establish changes in your future professional environment. Project Entrepreneurship (3ECTS) Within only one intensive week and with the help of your team you will develop and present a business plan: you come up with the best possible business idea and learn how to develop this into a business plan. Elective Course(s) Max. 3 ECTS from modules below: Students who choose Chinese Language and Culture (6 ECTS) OR Personal Development and Group processes (6 ECTS) may drop Change Management (3 ECTS) Personal Development and Group Processes (6ECTS) In this module you will learn more about experiential learning, group dynamics, team coaching and situational leadership and you will become more aware of your own behavior and role within the group. HRM (3ECTS) Human Resource Management is a specific approach in personnel management which in recent years has set the norm. In this course the focus will be on operational human resource management. Examples of topics that will be discussed are selection, appraisal, rewarding, socialization, performance & development. New Supply Chain and Blockchain (3ECTS) What is supply chain and what is the "new" supply chain? Short introduction to Blockchain, physical internet and the new network economy. From new network economy to data driven supply chain. Digital transformation and disruption: impact on economy and on logistics. Internet of Things, Augmented Reality, Artificial intelligence and Big data and data analytics in the supply chain. Data Sharing Platforms: NxtPort, Nallian, Xynaps, RX/SeaPort, GTD (IBM/Maersk). State of affairs digital documents and blockchain (eCMR, eECD, eWaste, ePhyto, eBL,….). Legal aspects of Blockchain. Global logistics delivered through Blockchain. Lean thinking & Lean working with/through big data/Blockchain. The logistical digital transformation? Keys to success. Chinese Language and Culture (6ECTS) Nowadays, there is an increasing need and interest in Chinese culture and language. It is useful to know about the language when coming to China for travel or business. The Howest Confucius Institute offers (elementary – intermediary – advanced) Chinese language courses for students. The course also involves a small tailor-made and practical project. The course may be extended in the second semester (Spring). English for Exchange Students (3ECTS) This English course provides students with training in speaking, listening, reading and writing skills, all focused on their ongoing or upcoming academic experience. The lecturer will take the diversity of academic areas of the participants into account, addressing a range of topics and choosing subjects that are relevant to the attending students wherever possible. The course aims at the B2 proficiency level. We strongly recommended it to all exchange students who have not fully achieved the B2-level in English at the moment of application for their mobility project. For the more proficient students, the course offers an interesting immersion experience. Classes take place in the evening. Compulsory Modules Cultural & Socio-economic Introduction to Belgium International Business Global Trends Customer Relationship Management Consumer Behaviour Data-driven Management Change Management Project Entrepreneurship Elective Course(s) Personal Development and Group Processes HRM New Supply Chain and Blockchain Chinese Language and Culture English for Exchange Students