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The research group Vital Cities, in collaboration with the researchers from Howest's Sizing Servers Lab (MCT), will develop a mobile tool that can be used as a participation tool, research instrument, and educational tool. In this project, the consortium (comprising the research groups Vital Cities and Sizing Servers Lab of Howest, the City of Bruges, and the Sint-Franciscus-Xaverianen Institute Bruges) will investigate the extent to which and how a mobile tool can increase the support and engagement of young people (aged 12-18) in the use of available space in Flanders.
We involve the target audience in the creation process of a mobile tool (smartphone or tablet app) through the co-creation methodology. This approach allows young people to shape how they want to be involved, and the final result is not predetermined.

The mobile tool should enable young people to:

1) Share information about their use of the living environment
2) Contribute their ideas, concerns, skills, visions, etc., to shaping the living environment
3) Engage in dialogue with policymakers, planners, practitioners, entrepreneurs
4) Formulate opinions on how we can (better) meet various spatial needs in Flanders

The specific technology chosen will depend on the functionalities requested by young people, resulting from the research in the initial phase of the project.