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Howest - info day Saturday 26 August 2023

Join us from 10:00 to 13:00 in Kortrijk, Brugge, and Oudenaarde!

On Saturday, 26 August 2023, we will be happy to introduce you to our English-taught bachelor's and postgraduate certificate programmes, our academic approach, and our campuses in Bruges, Kortrijk and Oudenaarde.

During this, our second to last Info Day of 2023, lecturers, students and alumni will be on hand to show you around. From 10:00 to 13:00, They will answer your questions and give tours of the campuses. You will also have the opportunity to speak to the programme coordinator for each of our English-taught bachelor's and postgraduate certificate programmes.

What to expect on Info Day?

  • Take a guided tour of campus and visit classrooms, auditoriums, labs, workshops, libraries and student restaurants.
  • Receive information about each programme, including the curriculum, internship possibilities, future prospects, and the mix between practice and theory.
  • Ask your questions, face to face, with current lecturers and students.
  • View course materials, examples of projects and training brochures.
  • Representatives from Student Services will also be on hand to talk about the cost of studying, study coaching and support, student accommodation and more.

Who is Info Day for?

  • Last-year secondary students (and their parents) thinking about starting higher education in 2023
  • Students already in higher education who want to change programmes in September
  • Students in higher education who want to start an advanced programme in September
  • Individuals who are currently working and want to return to or start higher education

What study programmes are available at Howest? And where?

Howest offers 9 English-taught bachelor's and post-graduate certificate programmes. These courses take place in Kortrijk and Bruges, depending on the programme.

Would you rather not wait until the Info Day to explore our range of programmes and courses? From the homepage of our website, you can click on to each programme’s specific page.

You can request brochures from all of the programmes that interest you via the button below. You can also download the digital version from the programme’s page on our website.

Request a brochure

Sfeerbeeld infodag mei 2022 Sfeerbeeld infodag mei 2022