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Research projects


Drone transport is and remains of the most important applications due to its logistical potential, cost efficiency, environmental friendliness and deployability for high-risk tasks. With Vertiports, West Flanders is being prepared for the evolution towards unmanned air traffic.  


The healthcare system in Belgium has been facing several challenges in recent years, including the cost of quality healthcare, changes in the demographic population, exponential growth in technological applications, and a growing number of people with multiple chronic conditions.

UPSKILL Blue Energy

To support the growth and development of the economically significant sector 'Blue Energy,' a state-of-the-art training center is being established in Bluebridge at the Ostend Science Park, in collaboration with POM West Flanders.                                                  


EDIH DIGITALIS provides support to local businesses in the areas of AI, industrial digitization, and cybersecurity.As part of Digital Europe, a call was launched to establish European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH).                                                                 

5G-Pilot HealthCare

Through the deployment of a high-quality 5G network, the Westhoek becomes a true smart region. This aligns with the objectives of the integrated economic regional vision of the Westhoek, 'The Westhoek Impulse Plan.'                                                                 

5G-Pilot Zeevaart

This project harnesses 5G technology for unmanned navigation on inland waterways, focusing on semi-autonomous inland navigation with support through 5G connectivity. Howest is exploring the possibilities of a 360° camera and VR applications on the boat & will conduct field tests.