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Research projects


The logistics sector requires highly qualified profiles. These profiles do not yet exist, which means companies have to train new employees first, consuming a lot of time and money.                                                                                                   

P5 Uganda

There is a high unemployment rate among young people in Uganda (83%, UBOS 2018). This is due to a significant skills gap and school dropouts. Many graduates (bachelors and masters) also struggle to find jobs due to limited skills.                                                  


Metagenomic analysis involves studying all the DNA present in an isolated sample, simultaneously identifying multiple microorganisms for various applications, such as pathogen detection or resistance.                                                                                


In Flemish education, there is often talk of working excellently and maximizing talent, but at the same time, the least attention is paid to those who have the most potential and, as a result, they are at risk of dropping out.