In PoST-IT, three areas of expertise within Howest are innovatively connected: (1) politicizing social work, (2) evaluation and impact of social interventions, and (3) data sciences. Politicizing social work involves processes and practices that initiate public dialogue on social issues. In PoST-IT, researchers from the Social Work (SW) and Applied Informatics (TI) programs will deeply investigate inspiring politicizing practices in West Flanders in three aspects. (1) How do social workers adopt this politicizing role (action theory)? (2) What changes are realized for whom (impact and change theory)? (3) How can text analysis and data visualization through artificial intelligence (AI) such as natural language processing (NLP) and sentiment analysis enhance such practices? These analyses will contribute to the development of a support tool for politicizing work for students and practitioners. Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal Werk Project manager: Ann Decorte Areas of expertise: Mens & Samenleving Themes: sociale interventies met impact