Formative assessment and feedback (assessment for learning) is increasingly seen as a means to shape effective, differentiated teaching (Tomlinson, 2014 in Van den Branden, Ko et al., 2013). In practice, despite the available data and the many possibilities to process it, we see that functional use of information (data-based decision-making) is little established in schools and rarely leads to concrete changes (Van Gasse et al., 2015, Heitink et al., 2016). Literature both and observations of educational practice show that there is still much room for improvement regarding assessment for learning (Kippers et al., 2018 in De Wiest & Windels; Flemish Ministry of Education, 2019). According to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), the low degree to which teachers perceive tools, which aim to map assessment data, as user-friendly and useful for teaching practice are potential barriers to integration in practice (Davis, Bagozzi & Warshaw, 1989; Park, S.Y, 2009; Scherer, 2019). With this research, we aim to respond to this by optimising/creating a method that enables SO teachers to transparently map students' competences across key competences in order to use them for assessment for learning Onderzoeksgroep Secundair Onderwijs Project manager: Basiel Bonne Areas of expertise: Onderwijs Themes: didactische innovatie