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All lawfully enrolled students are insured for the duration of the academic year and according to the concluded policy terms and conditions against:

  • Physical accidents:
    • on the regular, direct way to and from Howest or any other location where an activity takes place within the framework of school activities;
    • during teaching and evaluation activities;
    • in all the rooms of Howest where students are present for their studies;
    • during journeys and stays at home and abroad, organised by Howest and/or in the framework of exchange programmes, whether or not during holidays, from the moment of departure until the moment of return;
    • during the implementation of all assignments given by Howest (including traineeships).
  • civil liability during an assignment within the framework of the school activity.
  • guarantee of goods entrusted (by third parties and on the occasion of traineeships)

If a company/traineeship location requires proof of insurance within the framework of a school assignment or a traineeship assignment, an insurance certificate can be delivered to the company/traineeship location.

Fill in the report form


verzekeringen [at] (verzekeringen[at]howest[dot]be)
Algemene diensten
Marksesteenweg 58 - 8500 Kortrijk
056/24 12 90

Guarantees and policies

Below follows an overview of the applicable guarantees and policies.

Civil Liability and/or legal assistancePhysical accidents to and from school or traineeship locationPhysical accidents during school activity/traineeshipTravel AssistanceMaterial damage to own car (journey in the course of employment)
Howest student in BelgiumSchool activity45.262.21245.262.21245.262.212//
Unpaid traineeship45.262.21245.262.2126.569.874//
Howest student abroadStudy trip (incl. private)45.262.21245.262.21245.262.21245.052.701
to be applied for
Study trip (incl. private) USA/Anglo-Saxon/ non-European countries45.262.21245.262.21245.262.21200.000.000
to be applied for
Study (incl. private)45.262.21245.262.21245.262.21200.000.000
to be applied for
Unpaid traineeship (incl. private)45.262.21245.262.2126.569.87400.000.000
to be applied for
Paid traineeship (incl. private) remuneration > expense allowance45.262.21245.262.212To be insured by traineeship site00.000.000
to be applied for
VolunteersIn the event of a Howest activity45.262.21245.152.21445.152.214//

You can report physical accidents using the online form below.

The form can only be sent if all mandatory fields (marked with an *) are filled in and if a scan of the medical certificate is uploaded (see at the bottom of this form). After completing the form, click on the 'send' button.

If the student does not yet have a medical certificate in which the doctor certifies that the injuries are the result of the accident, a blank medical certificate can be downloaded. This form must be completed and signed by the attending physician.

Upon receipt of the online declaration from the student, a Howest employee reports the accident to Ethias within a reasonable period of time on the basis of the form filled in by the student and the accompanying medical certificate. The Howest employee sends additional information to the student’s Howest e-mail address regarding the settlement of the claim/file as well as a digital printout of the declaration.

General information

Traineeship company

The student


The accident

e.g. maintenance area; office; hospital; car park; sports hall; motorway; etc.
for example: processing products, storage, care, assistance to a person or persons, training, office work, purchase, sales, etc. or the secondary activities of these different activities, such as installation, detaching, maintenance, repair, etc.

for example: filling the machine, working with hand tools, driving a means of transport, gripping,
lifting, rolling an object, carrying a load, closing a box, walking, sitting down, etc.

And the objects involved
for example: tools, machine, equipment, materials,
objects, instruments, substances, etc.

for example: electrical failure; explosion; fire; overflowing, tilting, leaking, gassing, bursting, falling or collapsing object; abnormal starting or functioning of a machine; loss of control of a means of transport or an object; slipping or falling of a person; improper action; incorrect movements; surprise; fright; assault; being assaulted; etc.
for example: tools, machinery, equipment, materials, objects, instruments, substances, etc.

Third parties

Please give all information available to you regarding the other parties involved in the accident.
Language driver


Fill in the details of possible witnesses. Do not always answer "no" to the question whether there were
witnesses. We know from experience that a seemingly trivial accident can turn into a liability case after
several months. At that moment, the presence of surveillance data and witnesses is essential in order
to optimise your defence. You can fill in the details of three witnesses.

Reporting authority

In case an official report has been drawn up, the insurance company will usually ask for a copy of that
official report.

Have particulars been taken down by a reporting authority?

Medical certificate

Has medical care been provided at the school/traineeship company?
Has medical care been given by an external doctor?
An accident with physical damage can only be reported if you have a medical certificate filled in by a doctor. You must attach a scanned copy of the medical certificate as an annex.