General Quality Associate Degree Transport and Logistics Do you want to work in the exciting world of transportation and logistics? Do you want to surf along on the growing popularity of e-commerce? Or help ensure that international shipments smoothly reach their destination? This new associate degree study programme focuses on streamlining logistics processes. You will learn to identify bottlenecks, analyse problems and implement improvements. Not in theory, but in practice with a hands-on mentality. Upon graduation you can work in various companies and organizations. Think of logistics service providers, retailers, harbour companies or production companies. With no less than three introductory work placements in the same company, you will have had a real familiarization period giving you numerous trumps to quickly find a job after you graduate. This programme is only available in Dutch. Find out more here. Quality assurance in every programmeQuality assurance is embedded in the daily operation of our entire programme. We continuously and systematically improve the quality of each course. The involvement of students, field professionals and alumni is crucial here.Transport & Logistics is a new Programme and had an Initial Accreditation in 2020 conducted by NVAO. U can find the report here (in Dutch). In 2025-2026 the programme will have an accreditation by the NVAO. Ik ben altijd al geïntrigeerd geweest door hoe een product van bij de productie tot bij de consument belandt. Zeker nu meer en meer via internet wordt gekocht. Computers, voedingsmiddelen, geneesmiddelen of een auto, allemaal leggen ze een hele weg af voor ze bij de klant terechtkomen. De graduaatsopleiding Transport & Logistiek is de ideale richting om inzicht te krijgen in dit proces. Het is ook een zeer afwisselende richting met veel mogelijkheden na het behalen van je diploma. Nog een belangrijker pluspunt: vacatures voor gediplomeerde logistieke medewerkers zijn er momenteel in overvloed. Jarne Desmet Tweedejaars student