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Looking for a way to process your scientific information more effectively? Then this R programming course is just for you!

In today's data-driven world, the ability to analyze and visualize data is essential for effectively processing scientific information. R is a programming language that has become a popular choice for statistical computation and visualization, particularly in the fields of bioinformatics and data science due to its broad applicability.

This comprehensive course is designed to provide you with a solid understanding of the different data types and structures used in R. You will learn how to apply these concepts to perform data analysis, as well as how to install and use additional packages that can enhance your analysis capabilities. The course covers topics such as descriptive analysis and reporting through RMarkdown, and also includes instruction on how to build an interactive application using a Shiny app. By the end of this course, you will have gained valuable skills that can be applied to a wide range of data analysis tasks.

This course is designed for those who have already basic digital skills and want to learn how to critically process and visualize scientific data. No prior programming knowledge is required.

R is an open-source language, meaning it is free to use and has a large community of developers constantly creating new tools and packages to improve its functionality. Other similar tools or software often require a commercial (expensive) license. R has powerful data analysis and visualization capabilities, including a wide range of statistical and graphical tools that can help you gain insights into your data. Learning R can enhance your job opportunities, particularly in fields where data analysis and visualization skills are in high demand. Overall, learning R can be a valuable skill for anyone looking to work with data, regardless of their field of study or work.

Microdegree R

How to participate in the course?

DAYTIME CLASSES - ON CAMPUS or @HOME - (February – April 2025)

Duration: 6 weeks

Academic year 2024-2025.

Weekly Schedule: 8 hours of classes per week, split into 2 sessions of 4 hours each on 2 different days

Depending on your schedule, you can choose to attend some classes on campus and others online:

  • On campus: You will attend classes alongside students enrolled in the Advanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics programme.
  • @home: You have the option to participate in classes through live streaming from the comfort of your own home.

The exam is scheduled to take place on campus in Bruges, Belgium, during working hours.


Duration: 6 weeks

Academic year 2025-2026.

Study Approach:

  • The subject matter is primarily delivered through self-study, with provided study materials containing necessary texts and explanations for independent processing.
  • Additionally, recordings from daytime training sessions are made available as supplementary study aids.

Contact Sessions: There are three scheduled contact sessions every two weeks, held on campus from 6 PM to 8 PM. These sessions can also be attended remotely via live streaming and are recorded for later reference.

The exam is scheduled to take place in the evening on campus in Bruges, Belgium, or from home, providing an additional fee.

Course organization – Daytime classes

The course organization in daytime

Course organization – Distance learning

The course organization in distance learning

Learning outcomes

  1. Knowledge of the different data types and structures in R.
  2. Apply different data types and structures in R.
  3. Select and apply the correct visualization technique for graphical representation of variables in a dataset.
  4. Search, install, test and apply R and Bioconductor packages.
  5. Conduct data manipulations on data sets and write R code to solve a problem.
  6. Apply the basic knowledge about statistics and execute a descriptive statistical analysis to evaluate biological and biomedical data sets.
  7. Apply the different statistical tests for analyzing one or more variables in a dataset and report the statistical results in a brief and scientifically approved manner.

Data en locaties

De microdegree R via dagonderwijs gaat door in de periode februari - april 2025 van academiejaar 2024-2025. Inschrijven voor deze opleiding is mogelijk van 1 juli 2024 tot begin februari 2025. Voorinschrijven is nu al mogelijk via De lessen gaan door op de campus in Brugge, België, maar kunnen ook van thuis uit via live streaming gevolgd worden. Het examen vindt plaats op de campus in Brugge.

De microdegree R via afstandsonderwijs gaat door in de periode oktober - december 2025 van academiejaar 2025-2026. Voorinschrijven is mogelijk vanaf maart 2025. De contactmomenten kunnen op de campus in Brugge, België, of via live streaming van thuis uit worden bijgewoond. Het examen vindt plaats op de campus of kan - mits een meerkost - van thuis uit worden afgelegd.

Howest Campus Brugge Station - Gebouw A

Date and location


Starts in the week of October 23, 2023 and ends in the week of December 4, 2023. The three contact moments can be followed remotely or on our campus in Bruges.


Starts in the week of February 12, 2024 and ends in the week of April 19, 2024. The classes can be followed remotely or on our campus in Bruges.


The course takes 6 weeks followed by an exam.

Number of credits



For academic year 2023-2024: € 349.6


Het studiegeld voor academiejaar 2024-205 bedraagt € 357,00 of € 1518,00 voor niet-EEA studenten (onder voorbehoud). Er is geen extra studiekost voor studiemateriaal of software. De opleiding vereist een goede laptop.


Deze opleiding komt in aanmerking voor ondersteuning via het SME-portfolio onder het onderwerp beroepsspecifieke competenties.


Enrolment for the 2023-2024 academic year starts 1 July 2023. You can enrol at one of the Info Days on campus, by appointment at the student secretariat of the Howest campus where your programme takes place, or by using the online registration system.

Which documents will you need?

  • A copy of your ID (front and back) will be requested during online enrolment.
  • You will also need to upload a copy of your (higher education) diploma.

Online enrolment

After you've registered

  • After completing the online application, you will receive an e-mail with all the information needed to complete your enrolment.
  • Once your file has been checked and processed by Howest, you will receive your contract and the request for payment of tuition fees and extra study costs electronically.


Can't find what you're looking for, or do you have a specific question about this course? Don't hesitate to contact us. We would love to help you further.

Jasper Decuyper

Jasper Decuyper

Contact person

Both variants cover the same course content but are organized differently. The day course takes place on campus in Bruges, Belgium, and occupies two half-days per week over a six-week period. Presence on campus is not mandatory, as the classes can also be attended online. In the @home course, the material is mainly processed through self-study. Over a six-week period, there are only a limited number of contact moments (three in total) that take place in the evening.

Yes, the course includes an assignment (25% of the final grade) and an exam (75% of the final grade). Those who pass the course (with a score of 10 or more out of 20) will receive a credit certificate.

After successfully completing the micro degree and passing the exam, you will receive a credit certificate for this course. With the credit certificate, you can apply for an exemption from the course unit “Data analysis, visualization and biostatistics using R” of the Advanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics and Advanced Bachelor of Bioinformatics at home programs.